Build agility with Makoro™

With today’s levels of uncertainty, ambiguity, volatility in the markets, Operations Agility is critical to the success of any business. It’s essential to be agile and quickly respond to change.  Natural language recommendations from Makoro™ drive workforce adoption and enable faster, better, and transparent decision-making, which in turn enhances operations agility and compliance. In a marketplace where competitors are often quick to match improvements to existing products and services,

Makoro™ gives you the edge through holistic and proactive operations management driven by recommendations, while your competitors are looking at siloed views of operations data in reports and dashboards. Operations Agility also lays the foundation for Strategic Agility that fuels new business models like servitization.

Makoro™ leverages #AppliedArtificialIntelligence in solving transformative problems in the manufacturing supply chain.

#MakoroAI #CodeDataIO #PredictiveRecommendations #NaturalLanguageRecommendations #PredictiveAssetManagement #ContinuousIntelligence #Industry40 #SimplifiedROI #BusinessAgility #OperationsAgility

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