5G Technologies will have a huge impact on Smart Manufacturing

#worldeconomicforum says that early adopters like Ericsson and Comau have already started reaping IoT benefits using #5g#5gtechnology will have a huge impact on #smartmanufacturing – we at #codedataio have been following this space closely.


Based on initial estimates, 5G will boost global GDP growth by $3 trillion and produce over 22 million jobs by 2035. By the time 5G’s full impact is realized, a range of industries will produce up to $12.3 trillion of global economic output. That’s a huge impact to #digitaltransformation not only for manufacturing but for anything that needs mobile connectivity!


Inspired by: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/04/the-future-of-manufacturing-smart-secure-and-stable/

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